Religion Communicators Council

The Religion Communicators Council is a U.S. nonprofit organization representing marketing, communications and public relations officers from 60 different faith-based institutions. Founded in 1929 as the Religious Publicity Council, it changed its name to the Religious Public Relations Council in 1949 and became the Religion Communicators Council in 1998.[1] It was originally focused on communications needs for Christian organizations, but in 1970 it expanded its membership to all religious faiths.[1]

The organization is headquartered in the Interchurch Center in New York City and has 13 branches across the U.S.[2] It hosts an annual conference to discuss media strategies and issues.[3] It also presents the Wilbur Awards, an annual tribute to mainstream media's coverage of faith-based issues.[4]


Wilbur Awards

The council has presented Wilbur Awards annually since 1949. They honor excellence by individuals in secular media – print and online journalism, book publishing, broadcasting, and motion pictures – in communicating religious issues, values and themes. Winners receive a stained-glass trophy and $250. The award is named for the late Marvin C. Wilbur, a pioneer in religious public relations and longtime council leader.[5]


The 2010 Awards were presented on April 9 during Religion Communication Congress 2010 at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile. Manya A. Brachear, religion reporter for the Chicago Tribune and a double Wilbur Awards winner in 2009, was master of ceremonies.[5]





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